“I think that life is a very sad joke, because we have within us, without knowing how or why or from whom, the need to constantly deceive ourselves with the spontaneous creation of a reality (one for each of us and never the same for everyone) which from time to time is discovered to be vain and illusory.
Whoever has understood the game can no longer deceive himself; but whoever can no longer deceive himself can no longer take any taste or pleasure in life. That’s how it is.”
(From the autobiographical letter sent to Filippo Sùrico, director of the Roman periodical Le Lettere, and published in the issue of October 15, 1924)”

Short stories

Pirandello was one of the most prolific writers, producing not only novels but also numerous plays and even some poetry collections early in his career. His literary work is not divided into distinct creative periods; instead, he wrote poetry, short stories, novels, critical essays, and plays simultaneously. Pirandello sought to introduce new forms and structures into literature, not only in theater but also in narrative.
Living in a historical-cultural period marked by the crisis of 19th-century values and the end of scientific-rational certainties, Pirandello developed a personal critical-humorous reflection on human reality, manifesting the urgent need to represent the existential unease and the consequent painful disillusionment, which, definitively, have upset the customs of post-Risorgimento bourgeois society.
He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1934 for his “bold and brilliant renovation of the drama and the stage.” Pirandello’s works include novels, hundreds of short stories, and c. 40 plays, some of which are written in Sicilian dialect. Typical for Pirandello is to show how art or illusion mixes with reality and how people see things in very different way – words are unrealiable and reality is at the same time true and false.

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