«What he was doing in life was unknown. Perhaps he didn’t even know himself. He was simply there… He probably didn’t even suspect that one could live differently or that, by living differently, one could feel less the weight of boredom and sadness.» In Italiano – […]
Archivi Giornalieri: 18 Marzo 2025
«One of the most prestigious texts of the Italian theatrical tradition. A drama that contains within itself all the future evolutions and transformations of contemporary dramaturgy and research. A show that depicts an unsurpassed metaphor of the condition of modern man, balanced between reality and […]
«In ecstasy, he fell back so that he sat on his load, in front of the hole. There she was, there she was, the Moon… The Moon was there! The Moon! And without realizing it, without wanting to, Ciàula began to weep, from the great […]
von Luigi Lunari. Überlegungen zum Werk des Dramatikers, aber aus einer ungewöhnlichen Perspektive, nur um sich nicht zu wiederholen… Ein Text von Pirandello korrekt zu lesen, bedeutet, ihn in einer ‘theatrale Zeit’ zu lesen: etwa zur Zeit, die die Schauspieler benötigen, um ihn aufzuführen. Wie […]